
 The men of the Alpha Gamma Chapter are more than just friends; we're brothers. Everyone that is or has been an Alpha Gamma or even a member of the General Fraternity will tell you: we are a family. And we treat each other as such. Not only will you form bonds with young men your own age you will be introduced to our vast alumni base that can offer support in a multitude of ways; whether it's with academics, post-graduation job placement, or just a friend to talk to the men of Beta Theta Pi are there.


Need help in your Multi-Variable Calculus or Quantum Mechanics classes? What about Economics, Management, Biology, or Geography? At the Alpha Gamma chapter we are committed to the Cultivation of the Intellect. We have members in all of the above fields and more that are willing to help you with your studies. Plus for incoming freshman we have a scholarship! (available summer 2009)

Brothers of the Alpha Gamma Chapter and their dates prepare to leave for formal at the Westin Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Contact Info

Cal Wessels                                                                      Recruitment Chairman     Cell: 651-485-3658

Email: s11.cwessels@wittenberg.edu

Eric Howard                                                                                     President

Email: s11.jhoward@wittenberg.edu

 We Have FUN!!

 The guys pose after greek week rehearsal (see the video here!)

New update! See the 2009 video HERE!

We always have a good time at the Beta house. Whether it's rehearsing for the annual Greek Week lip sync contest (above), relaxing and hanging out, going to our annual formal, or just clowning around (below) we are never starved for entertainment. We have ping pong, pool, and foosball tables at the house as well as a basketball court in the parking lot and you can always find something to do. Are you an athletic person? We annually compete in campus intramural sports and also enjoy a laid back pick-up game of basketball. At the Beta house we study hard and play hard too. Come join us!

Mark and Justin enjoy a game of cornhole in the backyard. 

Ryan and Cal goofing off after the Pancake-Palooza

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