an interface to arts education

The infusion campus is an after-school program supporting student development and contemporary living in and through the arts.

Interface Creative Group launched this full menu of standards-based visual and performing arts education with academic guidance, all in an after-school setting of safety and constancy. Parents are able to count upon an excellent Monday-Friday program that introduces and leads students through curriculum in music, dance, theater, visual and media arts, in addition to providing tutoring services, academic guidance and foreign language enrichment. 

See their website here.

Members from the Alpha Gamma chapter volunteer their time at the campus assisting the Infusion employees run the art, music, language and academic workshops provided by the Infusion campus. The Alpha Gamma Chapter has donated over 100 man hours and almost $2000 in the 2008-09 school year alone. NEW UPDATE (10/6/2009) The Wittenberg Betas philanthropy efforts have been recognized campus wide through an article that appears on the front page of the Wittenberg University website! Read the article here.

The Alpha Gamma Chapter supports the Infusion Campus in Springfield, Ohio by hosting several events throughout the school year including the Beta Barbecue and the Pancake-Palooza. All proceeds from these events go to Infusion and provide scholarships for children to attend their after school programs.

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